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Wednesday, October 31, 2018
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Welcome to National Popular Vote
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Pipes are arriving for Keystone XL
Trucks and trains full of pipes slated for Keystone XL have started to arrive in South Dakota and Montana - speak out now.
Trucks and trains full of pipes slated for Keystone XL have started to arrive in South Dakota and Montana as TransCanada begins pre-construction.
We've stopped this pipeline before, and we'll stop it again. Right now our best opportunity to stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities and stop KXL is for thousands of us to submit a public comment to the state department calling out Trump's latest sham environmental review of this project before the deadline in 8 days.
Tell the Trump Administration they won't get away with this sham review: No Keystone XL.
The law requires that these comments are tallied, analyzed, and considered in the final environmental review. We can make our voices opposing this pipeline heard if we have too many signatures for them to ignore.
In August, a federal judge ruled that the federal review of the pipeline was inadequate – so the Trump Administration came back just 37 days later with another rushed job claiming the impacts of the project would be "minor." Yet just last year, the Keystone 1 pipeline spilled more than 200,000 gallons of dirty oil in South Dakota.
There are only 8 days left before the deadline. This fight is about to ramp up, but we're ready. There are three active lawsuits, 17,000+ people ready to take peaceful action in solidarity with Indigenous communities on the route if called upon, and a strong coalition led by Indigenous leaders that's prepared to take on whatever comes.
Keystone XL would be game over for the climate – and we must stop it with everything we've got. We can't stay silent, submit a comment now.
Thank you for being with us,
More info:
1. Keystone XL Pipeline materials begin moving into Montana - KRTV News
2. Judge orders full environmental review of Keystone XL in Nebraska - EcoWatch
3. Keystone pipeline spills 200,000 gallons of oil - National Geographic
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Welcome to 350 Seattle!
Thanks for your interest in 350 Seattle - we're excited to build a global climate movement with you!
We're a grassroots organization passionate about working to engage our community in the fight for climate justice: from the local aspects of global fights like tar sands funding and Arctic drilling; to regional battles to deepen the thin green line; to efforts to support affordable housing and transit locally (the two biggest issues for our carbon emissions). We need your help!
Here are three things you can do right now:
1) Volunteer with us—there are lots of ways to get involved!
2) Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
3) Check out our mission, our workgroups, and our Things to Do Right Now page.
Our most time-sensitive information tends to be in our action alert emails and on our FB page. For other new initiatives or voices, check out our blog. And for a once-a-month compendium of information, the monthly newsletter can't be beat (it also gets posted to our blog). If you're ready to think about supporting or taking part in direct action, please sign the Pledge!
Thank you, again. We look forward to working together with you to fight the roots of climate change. There's no time to waste.
P.S. If you didn't mean to sign up, click here to unsubscribe. Also, we always need and appreciate donations!
Thanks For Joining -- Now Pass It On...
I am so glad that you've signed up to join 350.org's growing global movement to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis and build a Fossil Free world.
We focus on hard-hitting campaigns and grassroots organizing -- the kind of work that can build a movement big enough, strong enough, and smart enough to meet the scale of this crisis.
The movement works because it's full of ordinary people like you and me who are willing to take the time to care, and act together. If you know some other people who might want to join you in this journey, click here to invite them to join on Facebook, or click here to tweet about 350.
You can also connect with us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/350.org) and follow us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/350) to stay up to date on climate news from across the movement.
Looking for even more ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.
In the days and weeks ahead, we'll plug you in to crucial campaigns near you. Expect to hear from us -- and many many thanks for joining in this effort.
May Boeve,
Executive Director, 350.org
350.org is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.
hallo worldwide comrades my kimono has a message for you - straight from the dresden do...