Sunday, February 10, 2019

Stuck inside? Use our February newsletter to plan your month!

Ahhhh.....(image from Cascade Bicycle Club)


Lorelei --

Via-doom wasn't but snowzilla is, and isn't it better than streets full of cars?


Last month, we passed the #FossilFreeKC ordinance and won a 6-month moratorium on all new fossil fuel development in King County. Per procedure, there's a public hearing to review the moratorium and you can bet that the fossil fuel industry will be showing up to oppose. Which means we need YOU to save the date:

Public Hearing on the #FossilFreeKC Moratorium
Wednesday, March 13, 9:30–10:30am
King County Council, 516 Third Avenue, 10th Floor, Seattle 98104

Join us as we again demonstrate powerful community support for the moratorium and bold #climateaction in King County. More info and RSVP here.


Join us in Olympia to send our "green governor" a belated birthday wish: Make clean energy decisions that protect our health, safety, and climate—don't lock us into dirty fracked gas export and infrastructure. We're bringing presents: Over 130,000 public comments to Governor Inslee's office opposing dirty fracked gas projects—with cupcakes and Power Past Fracked Gas shirts to share!

Comment Delivery & Fracked Gas Resistance
Thursday, February 21, 11:00am–12:30pm
Washington State Capitol Building, north steps, 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia 98504
Share this event page and find carpool signups here.

And keep an eye on our calendar for a related Art Build coming up next weekend, February 16-17th!

Tell the Governor to be a climate champion!
It's all but certain that Governor Inslee will be running for President—in part to make sure the presidential contenders address climate change. But so far, Governor Inslee has remained silent on the Tacoma LNG facility. And we know for sure that supporting fracked gas is not compatible with being a climate champion. So throughout the campaign, we'll be holding him accountable and encouraging him to be his best self—can you help by taking 10 seconds to send a letter asking the Governor to be a REAL climate champion?


Speaking of Olympia and fracked gas, House Bill 1597 directs the Department of Ecology to determine the true level of methane leakage for gas production and transportation. To help pass this bill, click here to visit the bill page and use the "Comment on this bill" button to tell your Representatives to support the bill (or thank them if they're already a sponsor).

Here's a line to drop in their inbox: Because methane is 86 times more impactful than CO2, it's important that upstream emissions from fracked gas be included in utility planning and project approvals.


No public funds for private gains!
PSE's proposed Tacoma LNG project would pass on 43% of the construction costs to residential customers even though we will only see 2% of the benefits! This monetary burden is unacceptable! Sign this petition to tell state decision-makers to properly value environmental, health and social costs when public funds are involved. Share this short video with friends to help explain why they should sign the petition too!

Support the Puyallup Tribe in asking for more Environmental and Safety Review
Last summer the Puyallup Tribe submitted a formal request for a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) backed up by evidence of its necessity. After the City of Tacoma hired a firm connected to the shipping industry—with your help—we convinced them to look for a 3rd party consultant to determine if an SEIS is warranted. But now we need your help again—please sign this form letter urging the city to stop dragging their feet and work with the tribe to prioritize the health and safety of local residents.

Permit update
The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) is set to release a formal response to all the comments and concerns submitted last fall regarding the proposed Tacoma LNG project's air permit on March 29th.
Thank you to everyone that showed up to the hearing and submitted comments! This permit is not approved yet, there will be another comment period and hearing to follow, so stay tuned for more opportunities to take action.

NWDC and the Tacoma LNG
Advocates for Detained Voices and the Eco Club are hosting a panel on the issues facing people detained in the Northwest Detention Center, including the dangers and health risks of being less than 2 miles from the proposed Tacoma LNG refinery and storage tank.

NWDC Panel Discussion
Monday, February 25, 5:00pm
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma 98416
Check here and here for details as they become available.


Frontline Allies welcomes your participation in everything from organizing trainings on undoing racism and other oppressive systems, to supporting our allies in climate-related justice work. To join contact Kara. More information and links are available here, including upcoming support and education opportunities.

Our monthly meeting is a great place to learn about our work and current projects. Please join us Monday, February 18 at 7:00pm to hear more about ways we can deepen our understanding of systemic oppression, to find ways to help out or attend the upcoming Our People Gonna Rise Workshop Series, and more. If this is your first meeting, please plan to arrive at 6:30 for an orientation. RSVP to Kara for the address of a home in the Wallingford neighborhood.

Our People Gonna Rise: Undoing Racism Workshop Series
This 3-part series (Allies to Immigrants, Black Liberation, Solidarity with Natives) is facilitated by the Mangrove Collective. These 6-hr workshops will create a safe space for difficult conversations as we come together and commit to ending racism in our climate justice work. The format will be a mix of short presentations of how oppressions (specifically racism) work and how individual experiences can intersect along axes of different oppressions; small group storytelling (longer times with opportunities for deeper sharing and deep listening); large group sharing (shorter and mostly of highlights from small group discussions); and time for individual creative reflection. Please click here for more information and to reserve your spot!


Solidarity with No More Deaths
Last month, four humanitarian aid volunteers with No More Deaths were found guilty of federal misdemeanors for providing food and water to people crossing the remote Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Sentencing is March 1. Ways you can help include donating to the legal fund (specify the "NMD Cabeza Legal Fund"), and sharing information on social media: NoMoreDeaths, JusticiaZaachil and #Cabeza9. 350 Seattle has signed this petition in support of humanitarian aid work, and we encourage you to sign and share!

Solidarity with Wet'suwet'en toolkit
Up in so-called British Columbia the Canadian government has joined with TransCanada to forcibly remove First Nations people from their unceded land to prepare for construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline. Use this Wet'suwet'en Strong Supporter Toolkit to educate yourself about this issue, take actions, and donate to the legal fund. Please share widely, especially with friends north of the colonial border who can make calls to their elected officials!

Help the Duwamish Longhouse get a crosswalk!
The City of Seattle's Neighborhood Street Fund Program evaluates projects with community input. One is the much-needed Duwamish Longhouse Pedestrian Safety and Accessibility Project. Creating an account to advocate for this project is easy. You can also vote by attending an in-person meeting—find one here.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Woman
First Nations is hosting the 3rd Annual Missing and Murdered Indigenous Woman's candlelight memorial vigil this year on the UW campus in collaboration with the Indigenous Sisters Resistance and the ASUW Womaxn's Action Committee.

Candlelight Vigil
Thursday, February 14, 6:30–10:30pm
wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ Intellectual House, 4249 Whitman Court, University of Washington, Seattle 98195

This is an important time to support Indigenous women and families. Wear red and come prepared to listen and bear witness. Event page here.

Send O'ĉ'si'i to advocate for dam breaching for salmon and orca
Help raise funds for a Makah grassroots activist and former council woman to travel to Washington DC this month to gain national, Tribal and Congressional support for Lower Snake River dam breaching. Donation page here.


We've heard for years that legislators don't hear enough from Washingtonians about climate. Together, our Civic Action Team is changing that: In the first four weeks of the 2019 session, our Civic Action Team has recorded over 1,000 legislator contacts! Collectively, we have recorded 827 phone calls and sent 195 personal emails to our legislators.

As we fight to pass a host of important climate legislation, these calls and emails are essential. Sign up here to receive our weekly Civic Action Team emails and/or texts.

Every Monday, we email you the bill numbers, the phone numbers of who to call and a suggested call script. All you need to do is take five minutes and pick up the phone! And for more context, here's the list of bills we're tracking.


Several 350 Seattleites, along with other trade warriors, visited four Congressional offices last week, including Cantwell's and Murray's offices. We strongly expressed our opposition to Trump's new NAFTA, which contains a myriad of provisions that threaten our ability to fight climate change. Primary among our concerns is that the regulatory processes in the deal—which hamper and weaken governments' ability to regulate in the public interest—would be locked in by the new NAFTA and would make it extremely difficult for a new president to reverse.

Visit our updated Trade Policy Page to learn more. As a vote on NAFTA 2.0 comes closer (perhaps in the spring) we'll be asking all of you to contact your Congressional representative and both our Senators, to urge them to vote no on the deal.


Six months ago, it was hard to imagine real climate action at the federal level. Now, with this week's intro of Green New Deal resolutions in the House and the Senate—not only can we imagine, we're seeing the power of youth-led and grassroots movements to make it happen.

Within hours of the intro, 67 Representatives and 12 Senators signed on as co-sponsors. Let's keep the momentum building! Join local Sunrise organizers next week for petition delivery actions to our Representatives and tweet at them to say you support a Green New Deal, and they should too!

You can join meetings at Senator Murray's office here, Senator Cantwell's office here, or Representative Smith's office here. If these times don't work for you, register your own visit. (If you're in Pramila Jayapal's district, we encourage you to focus on our Senators, since she's already supporting the resolution.)

And keep an eye on our calendar for a related Art Build coming up next weekend, February 16-17th!


Free $25 Orca Pass!
Metro wants to encourage us all to switch to buses, and to get some survey info at the same time. Sign up here for your free pass. Yay, Metro!

The state legislature needs to hear from us
Rules for robot delivery to your door? Regulating electric scooters? Photo enforcement of bus lane violators? These are just a few of the bills down in Olympia this year. A reminder that state legislation can profoundly shape the future of transportation… We're supporting several bills this year that we feel promote a low carbon emission future, including: Bus lane enforcement, a low(er) carbon fuel bill, and a bill that would electrify government fleets. Don't Block the Box legislation (HB 1793) allows for automated safety cameras not just to keep buses moving but to allow pedestrians, particularly wheelchair users, to cross streets without dying. We're also opposing four (!) bills to cut Sound Transit.

We could use some help tracking these bills so we can call folks to action writing and calling their legislators at the right moments as the bills progress. If you can help, contact Andrew.

As part of the MASS Coalition we've been advocating applying "build it and they will come" to transit and bike lanes, not giant tunnels for cars. We are educating local government and agencies on the principle of induced demand—remove 93,000 cars, double water taxi runs, add buses and bus lanes, and what happens? People change their behavior, and traffic actually gets better. Viadoom was a glimpse of what we could see if our leadership committed not just to infrastructure for those who walk, bike, roll or take transit but also to promoting it. Check out this Urbanist article for more. Think the city should continue to do more? It never hurts to tell them so. As always, feel free to drop the mayor a line asking her to demonstrate meaningful support for carbon-free transportation:

Time to connect our streetcars
We co-authored an op-ed discussing the myriad benefits of the Center City Connector streetcar.

Next Transpo Meeting is NOT tomorrow!
POSTPONED from Monday, February 11th, 4:15–5:45pm
Contact Andrew for details.


Let's talk housing
We'll talk a little bit about Mandatory Housing Affordability, a little more about Accessory Dwelling Units, still more about the bills in the state legislature now, and....most of all about what we can be doing to build more power for climate-friendly, affordable housing! If you can't make this one but would like to be on the housing list for future meetings, email Emily.

Housing Meeting IS Tuesday 
Tuesday, February 12, 2:00pm
2418 E. Aloha, Seattle 98112

MHA, ADU's, affordable housing and tenants' rights!
At the city level, can you come and stand up for as much affordable housing as possible? We will have talking points against proposed amendments that would change the Mandatory Housing Affordability map to weaken both the density and affordability of MHA, and also begin to reframe the debate towards allowing more housing of all shapes and sizes in all neighborhoods. We expect the City Council to take up the modified ADU rules in April, so that will be another chance to fight for more housing of all shapes and sizes.

MHA Citywide Public Hearing
Thursday, February 21, 5:30 – 8:00pm
Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Seattle 98104

At the state level, there are a lot of interesting bills in play right now: easing restrictions, supporting affordable housing, and protecting tenants. One of the most promising, Rep. Gregerson's ADU bill (HB 1797) gets its first hearing in Olympia this week:

House Local Government Committee
Wednesday, February 13, 1:30pm
John L. O'Brien Building, Room 258A, 504 15th Ave SW, Olympia 98501

Email Emily if you're interested in going, or working to support the suite of housing bills!


We welcome all skill levels in any art form, and have lots going on to jump into, from occasional participation to leadership opportunities. Join online here or come to art builds whenever you can! They are fun, no-skills-needed, community gatherings with food and good connections.

Stay Tuned! Art Build coming up next weekend, February 16-17, keep an eye on our calendar for details.

Looking for a mural wall
We are still looking for a high visibility wall for a beautiful mural. Know of one? If you do or would like to paint bus shelters with young people, contact Doug.

Join the Deployment Team!
Ever wish you had a role during actions and events? Come learn crucial skills with us! We need you! Contact Shemona.

And if you're a skilled artist (visual, theater, dance, music...) and want to apply your skill or show others how, please let us know! Contact Lisa.


German activists from Ende Gelände ("Here and No Further") will stop in Seattle on their US tour to share stories and tactics with local groups about successful mass mobilizations for climate justice. They had over 6,000 people show up to collectively block coal infrastructure last fall! Focusing on tangible examples, the tour aims to advance ideas for mass mobilizations and build bridges between international approaches for climate justice. Come hear their stories and ideas on

Ende Gelände: German Coal Resisters Come to Seattle!
Friday, February 22, 7:00–9:00pm
University of Washington Communications Building, 4109 E Stevens Way NE, CMU 120, Seattle 98195

Seats are limited, so RSVP here today and share this event page with others who are interested in learning more about successful international mass mobilizations.


The Lecture Series presents Rev. Dr. Jim Antal for a series of conversations and workshops to help people grapple with the most urgent problem humanity has ever faced.

Climate Church, Climate World
February 22, 23, 24
Including a panel on local environmental and racial justice efforts on Feb 23rd
University Congregational United Church of Christ, 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle 98105
More details here.


Looking for an easy way to help out at 350 Seattle? Curious about other ways to get involved? Join us for an hour or whatever suits your schedule. We'll have small but meaningful tasks, and time for you to chat with volunteer coordinators.

Volunteer Drop-In Hours
Victrola Coffee's community back room, 411 15th Ave, Seattle
Tuesday, February 19, 4:00–7:00pm

Bring your phone or laptop if you can! Questions? Contact Shemona.

Stay healthy and warm, intrepid climate activists!

350 Seattle

-=-=- · 1919 E Prospect St, Seattle, WA 98112, United States
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